Lune Noirr, known as the Woman of Many Headdresses, is New Orlean’s bendy, shapeshifting chameleon. Being seasoned in the art of dance, acting and contortion, this well-versed performance artist brings a fresh, soulful presence to her art. Before covid lockdowns, Lune performed regularly with Society of Sin Nerdlesque Productions, Bella Blue Productions, and Liza Rose's "Hello Gorgeous" Circus Cabaret. She'll capture your attention with her vibrant stage presence, stemming from her Hispaniolan influences and changeling abilities!
Lune online!
Instagram: @lunenoirr
Venmo: @lune-noirr
PayPal: [email protected]
Lune online!
Instagram: @lunenoirr
Venmo: @lune-noirr
PayPal: [email protected]
Pay to play? Strap in for a private show by Lune Noirr and friends
(If you feel that this video is worth an extra few bucks, you can tip Lune on Venmo: @lune-noirr)